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A large glass of wine is ideal for half an hour of chat. I refuse to give up my goblet

A small glass or a bottle? A new study found a 7.6 per cent decrease in consumption when large measures were removed from sale

As if Dry January were not depressing enough already, the fun Gestapo have arrived with another doom-laden warning. To go with the usual advice that booze makes you tired, fat, dehydrated, cancerous, grumpy and deathly boring to talk to, there is a new complaint: the glasses are too big. 
By removing the largest glasses of wine – usually 250ml – from sale, Cambridge University researchers found that total booze consumption fell by 7.6 per cent. “What it tells us is that people are very sensitive to cues in their environment,” said Professor Dame Theresa Marteau, who led the study. “People are sensitive to the size of containers and serving size, and these have tended to get bigger and so we’ve consumed more. So the focus of my research group is on whether or not we can reverse-engineer our environments to see whether we can reduce our consumption to improve everybody’s health.”
It is hardly a shock that removing the largest portion size will, in the short-term at least, lower the amount that people drink. Drinkers think in rounds, not millilitres. You go to the pub to have a couple of pints with a mate, not to ensure that you consume 1,136.52ml of beer. Some bars already exploit this psychology by serving beer in 2⁄3 pint sizes, for which they usually charge full-pint rates. Habits die hard. 
If you start thinking like the Cambridge researchers, it is difficult to stop. Whatever effect removing the largest portions might have would be replicated down the line. To limit drinking further, perhaps wine should only be served in 10ml thimbles. Drinkers could be reassured that this portion control was no limit on their consumption, knowing full well that they would have to go up to the bar 25 times to get the same as a large glass. By the 14th visit, the procedure would have occasioned a certain amount of ennui in the drinker. They would get up and go home, fatigued and more or less sober, having barely had time to exchange a full sentence with their companions.  
This is the serious point, which is that there is something convivial about settling in for a drink that will last a certain length. Pub culture – one of the most appealing phenomena to have come out of Britain – is based on beer, not wine, and a pint is a unit of time more than alcohol. This is one of the reasons low or non-alcoholic beers on tap are becoming so popular: they fulfil the social promise of the pint while sparing the inebriation. Enjoyed at a civilised pace, a pint will give you half an hour of chat, time to gloss over the problems in your life before talking in extreme detail about sports. A large glass of wine fulfils the same function. The alcohol involved is hardly outlandish: there are three units in a 250ml glass of 12 per cent wine, compared to 2.8 units in a pint of 5 per cent lager. 
There are other reasons to prefer a larger glass of wine, too. Studies led by Charles Spence, a professor at Oxford, have shown that a heavy glass can make the wine taste better, as well as being more satisfying to swirl. “The psychological effect means it tastes significantly better,” he has said. Not only should portions be generous, the glassware ought to be as well. 
It remains to be seen whether the Cambridge proposals will be taken up more widely. One imagines publicans will mount a sturdy defence of their right to sloshing out 250ml goblets. In the meantime, there is a surefire way to avoid being curtailed by the glass police. And it is a civilised, generous practice, popularised by chic Europeans rather than the drunken, free-boozing Brits: buy a bottle. 
